Twitter Ads Reporting

Hundreds of millions of people turn to Twitter to discover what’s happening in the world. Twitter Ads can help you connect with this audience and get meaningful results.
You may see different kinds of ads on Twitter, including Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. They are clearly marked with a “Promoted” icon. You can interact with most promoted content in much the same way as organic content.

Twitter Ads Reporting

No credit card needed

difdash and Twitter Ads

Data is pulled at campaign level for Twitter Ads and we also pull information for Promoted Tweets as well as standard Tweets and information about the account such as number of followers. Twitter Ads is connected in only 2 clicks and the data is available immediately with no third party intervention.

Two clicks to connect

The Twitter Ads connection is complete in less than 30 seconds with no need to pay third parties or create complicated files


Want to see brand only performance? Use our simple campaign grouping feature to segment your campaigns and use them to power charts and dashboards without writing a line of code

Anomaly Detection

Use our optimise pages to track your campaigns and alert you to any major changes, good or bad, to help you to streamline and improve performance

Filter Reports

Have multiple Twitter Ads accounts in the same report and split them out by account and by campaign

Metrics Available for Twitter Ads

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